Friday 29 March 2013

Space Dwarf - Work in Progress I

Okey finally this what I'm current working on, using the method I mention in my 'New Beginnings' post. Decided to use Games Workshop 'Squats' or 'Demiurg' fluff/backstory to test this style on, they are essential dwarves in space. I left the reference in on this piece, which includes the piece from PolyCount again along with some Squat reference and a piece of a strip from a web comic called 'Beardy Bastards'... yes Warhammer nerd.

So you can see started with a basic silhouette near the bottom then sized it up, I've actually been using parts of the guy on the left of the PolyCount picture as a colour palette as well. Its got wat to go but I think its a good start. I want create a standard generic one at first, with no head gear or fancy backpacks or bits. Then duplicate him and then paint on addition bits and pieces, like helmets  armour, radio/fuel pack, gas mask, etc to make different variants of the guy.

The only thing I'm worried about is that I've done some scratch detail on should pad thats only notice able when really zoomed in, and I did see video recently when trying learn how to do better line work that said that you should keep your artwork the same size if you want the detail to be true and visible. Also if I resize it after I'm finished it will become blurry, but maybe if I resize just this messy paint work it will be fine. As the line work doen after the resize will, define it and make look crisp again... right?

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