Friday 29 March 2013

New beginnings

Okey so final decided to some productive and have reduxed an old blog and clean the slate and made it into my new space for game art stuff. Right here in this post I want express what my aims and objectives that I want to achieve with this blog.

With the current group project I've been working on I haven't had a lot time to create concept art pieces/digital paintings. Even though my role was 2D artist I've mainly been doing texture creation. I did manage to get one piece done. But not much more after that.

I have been struggling for a while to work out what my "style" is, I have been trying for while to do work similar to other people. I find I'm not very good at drawing smooth straight lines, I did watch a video the other day where the guy discuss how you need learn to draw with you whole arm and shoulder. Since we are taught at young age to write with are wrists this is good for short strokes like for writting and cross hatching, but not for long strokes. I tried out his technique but still struggled to achieve smooth lines, there is something about my line work I don't like. 

It feels really childish and really don't like it, but yesterday I start kinder finding myself I feel like I maybe of found my style, will do post on this in moment.

So the other day I watch my friend and fellow class mate Sam draw a dragon, I really like the technique he used and so the next day I tried to do something similar using his method. I ended up falling flat on my face at first hurdle, the line art. I really do struggle with line art, its as I said before likes too childish if my line art was font it would be Comic Sans. So I scrapped what I was doing and had huff for bit. Then I remember the other day, I found the following piece while browsing PolyCount a while ago.

It kinder combines the two styles I like and can actually achieve into on piece. The style reminds me of my two only successful pieces I created during 2nd year, my a self portrait and Robot piece.

I'm going go over this more in another post, but this piece and started to inspire me to work different. Unlike Sams method where do line work first then work up to colour, I've started to do similar to what I learnt from Daarken's work starting straight off with blocked out painted in colour layer straight away, and then add in scruffy illustrative-esque lines for details like in the image above. Mess lines seems to be my thing... "Thats my jam!"

I would say Daaken's style in one my preferred styles, it was the only artist study in 2nd year I enjoyed doing. Another guy who inspires me is a swedish concept art student I follow on Deviant Art called Marcus Lindgren or Marcodalidingo, I envy his work and his suppose to be on same level as me. Mega competition from him. Also the artwork for the traps, bases and Mice on the FaceBook game MouseHunt has really inspired me, and is the only reason I even play that game.

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