Friday 29 March 2013

Spaceman - Breaking the Crimbo boredom.

Okey this isn't the piece I've been mentioning but it is start to what I want to achieve, also its related to the project work I want to start to post. It was inspired by a visit from an art director who worked on Strike Suit Zero. My crimbo was practically exciting one due to family issues and also working at Sainsbury's every morning during build up to christmas was stressful, never get between a shopper and tub of brandy butter. Any way below is the unfinished piece I decided to do to break the my boredom/on set craziness.

Appart from the other piece I've been build up to from yesterday and the piece in my new beginning post from, my group project that was done in November this is one only really recent piece I've done... Sad really.

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