Friday 29 March 2013

A thank you and list of stuff I want achieve.

Forgot to say thanks to this guys blog, that inspired me to do this Redux and to set up my other Resume/Portfolio blog. So thank you, it also inspired me to get my LinkedIn account up to date and in the long run I can actually hand this content in as criteria for my 'Exit Velocity' module, so thank you.

Also his work has inspired me to create similar assets, I've actually been meaning to create a low poly ogre or creature thing so I could do a paintedly/cartoony texture for it. So thats in idea I'm going ste... borrow. I also like how hes done low poly 3D models of Pokemons so I want borrow that idea as well. I've been wanting to model and texture a space ship for while now as well  and this guys super low poly simple modeled ships have inspired me to do this. Also the ship was to be part of a Game idea I had come up with and was think to start blogging about, but I'm really worried about someone stealing the idea and assets and art work if I start posting it up here. Even if I get a creative commons license I'm worried it won't cover it and it would be still open to stolen.

So anyway stuff I want set my self to do:

- Low poly Ogre/Creature (model my self or maybe as someone else to model) and texture it in cartoony way.

- Low Poly spaceship/fighter texture paintedly as well. (Maybe even animate it bobbing on spot, have parts rotating or have it barrel rolling).

- Low Poly Pokemon model, just like above.

- Maybe starting post, drawing and ideas for my project I want work on over next year.

- Create art work using the style I've started to work my groove into, mention in my new beginnings post. Got a piece on go at moment trying this style, so stay tuned.

- Low poly barrel or/& Sci-fi box/container, with a painted style texture.

- Self-portrait, last one was quite good and if this new style gets better as self-portrait would look good as part of the banner for this blog or my resume page/blog.

I really want get assets with this painted style texture because, I've been creating a lot realistic textures in my current group project for uni. Using source images and its not practically that much fun and doesn't feel as its testing how creative I could be. I feel with this new style I'm using to create concept pieces, that it could also be applied well to textures as well, as my motivation to get into the games industrie is to create fun game and nothing says fun like cute painted big eyed... thing.

Hopefully in my next post new posts I'll start showing my new style of painting.

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