Saturday 20 July 2013

Paint over attempt and getting back to He'stan.

So I forgot to update about my paint over attempt over the below renders, as I attempted to painted over them almost a week ago now. Didn't like how it felt don't know if it was because it felt cheap or that the renders were really low quality and pixels were doing my head in. Don't matter my Mac ended up crashing without saving the progress oh well. Not sure if I want to redo the renders and have another go or what, just felt unnatural doing it. I got the original idea from an old Overgrown development video, one of the art assets ones where he was painting in stalls into a render of their arena model.

Anyway today got back into painting trying to finish my he'stan painting. So spent today popping in a background and foreground. Coming back to it after time feel like kinder improved doing the background, felt a lot quicker. Also made me realized I had messed around with the magic wand tool at some point so hand got around the edge of the whole figure to get rid of jagged pixel edges.

I'm happy with the lava in very front foreground of the picture, running along the bottom edge of the image. but the lava by the spear and the distance lava near top left, feels kinder off has some really flat perspective to it. So that will need fixing other than that the figure it self just needs spear to be finished shading and then maybe some more chip detail on armor then I can go into colouring him.

**Edit: and now looking at it maybe need do more about the sky.

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