Monday 12 August 2013

Quick update on Golem and quick sword model

Just quick update on Golem progress, used an image of dirt for the swiping motion also over-layed it on to the dirt areas of the Golem's body and limbs to give a bit more texture.

So spent today making a quick cartoonie sword, just because wanted get back into textureing assets. Wanted to do this mainly to get back into UVW unwrapping and  creating and laying out UVW templates/maps. Not exactly happy with it,  not exactly portfolio worth was more like quick exercise. I think may have look on turbo squid for untextured assets to unwrap and texture or maybe make a borderland style weapons with interesting decals and designs on it or even make the above Golem.
I need get use to making more flat textures though and stop trying to paint in the light, as 3D package or game engine lighting does that. So next asset I make want try make sure to get the lights in the scene right and make model look good.

 Also kinder dis pointed with how the texture looks, look really messy and unprofessional. Also the indents on the swords hilt could have been done with a bump/normal map, instead of actually being modeled.

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